Dry Eye

Causes of Dry Eye

Dry eye is a widespread condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The condition is caused by one of two conditions:

  • Insufficient production of tears (aqueous dry eye)
  • Quick evaporation of tears (evaporative dry eye)

Tears are very important to eye health: they help protect the eyes from foreign debris by keeping them lubricated. Over-the-counter eye drops may provide temporary relief for occasional dry eyes, but if your dry eye condition persists, you may need help from a dry eye specialist. The root cause of your dry eye must be identified in order to provide the proper treatment.

Reasons Tear Film Can Be Impacted

There are many different reasons why tear film can be affected, leading to dry eye:

  • Poor tear quality in any of the tear layers
  • Meibomian gland dysfunction
  • Normal aging process
  • Long hours on a computer
  • Side effects of medications
  • Medical conditions
  • Hormonal changes
  • Laser vision surgery
  • Droopy eyelids
  • Second-hand or direct contact with smoking
  • Poor environmental conditions (wind, dry air)
  • Tear gland damage

Do you think you may be suffering from dye eye?

Symptoms of Dry Eye

Simply having the occasional sensation of dry eyes may not mean you have dry eye syndrome – especially if over-the-counter eye drops provide relief. However, if you experience persistent symptoms like the ones below, you may benefit from one of the dry eye treatments offered at Carolinas Centers for Sight, P.C.

  • Excessive eye watering/tearing
  • Eye stinging/burning/itching
  • Eye fatigue
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Eye redness/inflammation
  • Stringy mucus in the eye
  • Gritty eye/foreign body sensation
  • Blurry vision

Dry Eye Treatment

Dry eye caused by insufficient tear production or tears that evaporate too quickly in your eye is a medical condition that requires treatment. Before effective treatment can be administered, our doctors must identify the root cause of your dry eye:

  • Aqueous dry eye: Insufficient production of tears
  • Evaporative dry eye: Quick evaporation of tears

LipiFlow® Thermal Pulsation Treatment for Evaporative Dry Eye

The LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation System by TearScience is the only FDA approved procedure for treating meibomian gland dysfunction (dry eye). Lipiflow can provide long term relief with each treatment. Carolinas Centers for Sight, P.C. is pleased to offer the LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation System by TearScience®.

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The process works by applying a combination of directed heat and pressure therapy to unblock meibomian glands and allow your body to resume its natural production of tear film oil. A disposable LipiFlow® Activator eyepiece is inserted under your lower and upper eyelids and is shaped to prevent contact with your cornea. Once in place, you simply recline in the treatment chair and experience the 12-minute procedure.

  • A clinical study shows about 79% of patients reported an improvement in overall dry eye symptoms after a single LipiFlow treatment. If your symptoms return, you may need to repeat the treatment periodically.
  • In a clinical study, 80% of patients noted awareness of pressure without discomfort or pain during the LipiFlow treatment.

Do you Have Eye Allergies?

Eye allergy triggers such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, cigarette smoke and even perfume can cause eye irritation that ultimately leads to dry eye symptoms. You can try to minimize ocular allergies by making changes to your daily activities such as:

Over-the-counter eye drops, antihistamines and decongestants may be sufficient to help control ocular allergies. If your symptoms are persistent, prescription medication may be necessary.

Schedule a Consultation to Learn About Your Options

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